Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 1 - Post Recap

And so it has begun...

So day one has come to a close.  I've decided that I'll be posting at the end of each day, since so much seems to happen on a college campus!  (Not to mention the fact that four of my five days have a class from 6-7:15pm, so there's so much left for activities!)

It was honestly a pretty standard day.  Go to class.  Like/Hate class.  Do homework/sleep.  Repeat.  It really wasn't all that exciting, except for my meeting with my History Professor, during which we discussed the topic of my Honors Research Paper (a project in addition to his class in which I can potentially get honors credit for a non-honors course).  Tudor women anyone?

After spending a good 45 minutes feeling like a lost mouse in the Hayden Library, I left the massive building with three books in tow, a growling stomach, and desperate need to check Facebook.

Ah, the addictions of Facebook.

I've got to say, my History course is absolutely, positively my most favorite class of this semester.  I could sit through a two hour lecture and never get bored (strange, since its *snore* history, but since I am a History Major, it would seem to make sense....)

We're covering the Renaissance right now.  The Medicis.  Da Vinci vs. Michelangelo.  The Spanish Inquisition.  Machiavelli.  Torture of new and innovative times.  It's great fun.

Tomorrow, I have what I call my blah day.  Two of the three classes I'm taking are required, easy A classes, and the third is a repetition of the reading assigned, so I spend my day biking all over the campus (and for those who don't know how FREAKING HUGE Arizona State is, that's enough cardio to fill my quota, in addition to working out).

And speaking of which....

I've stayed under my calorie count for the past two days.  Yippee!  Bad news?  The iced tea and Starbucks coffees that I have been addicted to for the past five years are a huge waste of empty calories, calories I cannot afford to lost to a frothy, delectable concoction of espresso, creme, and pumpkin flavoring (because its Fall, and Pumpkin Spiced Frappucinos are my FAVE!!)  Sigh.

However, I have contented myself to filling up my empty bottles of Gold Peak Iced Tea with the water from our state of the art dining hall, in which huge containers of iced water are soaked with natural flavor from slices of oranges, melons, and other various fruit to make it a delicious, refreshing and healthy.

We'll see how long I can keep that delusion up.

And I'm thinking of checking out the gym tomorrow morning.  When nobody's there.  And I can sweat profusely without fit and toned Plastics giving me the stank eye.

To be continued...

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